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아래의 내용을 확인하시고 적극적으로 지원해보시기 바랍니다.
지원 관련문의 및 상담은 취업진로본부(02-970-9285,job119@seoultech.ac.kr)로 해주세요!
Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, Seoul, South Korea
Job description: temporary junior project assistant
Trade, investment, high-tech, energy, agriculture and science & (bio)technology are important themes
in the bilateral relation between Korea and the Netherlands. Korea is one of the main Asian export
destinations of the Netherlands. Student exchange numbers are rapidly increasing, and the Netherlands
is a big investor in Korea.
The first ever Korean State Visit to the Netherlands took place in December 2023, together with
representatives from public and private sectors, including ministers and C-level representatives from
Samsung and SK. During the two days’ State Visit, many G2G and B2B MoU’s and bilateral agreements
were signed, including energy, semiconductor, economic security and business-to-business
partnerships. Therefore, we are currently working on numerous follow-up missions and events between
the Netherlands and Korea. The economic cluster at the embassy will prepare programs for these events
and delegations, like the Netherlands Pavilions at fairs, B2B matchings, seminars/webinars, analyses
of policy developments, site visits and online promotions.
Delegations and events that are currently on our list, are related to high-tech industries
(defence/aerospace, battery, semicon, etc.), energy (offshore wind) and biotechnology. To assist in
setting up such programs, the embassy is looking for an enthusiastic colleague who can assist the
economic cluster with the facilitation and organization of events.
- support on sectoral studies on specific industry or technology sectors.
- conduct background research on societal topics and/or policy developments.
- translate any necessary documents either into English or into Korean.
Supporting the Dutch delegations on visiting program
- actively communicate with the Dutch companies, knowledge institutes, and representatives from the
public sector that may digitally or physically join programs via email or conference calls.
- actively communicate with the Korean and Dutch event-organizers.
- prepare materials to submit to the event organizers for programs and the pavilion.
Organization of webinar/seminar & matchmaking event
- assist in preparing events such as seminar and webinars, matchmaking and online networking
- prepare materials for the events.
- represent the embassy and facilitate the organisation at the venue of the events.
- write postings for Social Networking Service-channels of the embassy.
- contribute to an enabling working environment through a positive work attitude and pleasant and
cooperative behaviour.
- work in an open, inclusive and constructive way with all embassy staff.
Short description of the embassy:
The embassy currently employs ten expatriate staff and more than 20 locally recruited staff. The
embassy consists of four sections:
Operational Management and Consular affairs section
Economic and Commercial section (Agriculture, Trade, Science & Technology, Investment)
Politics, Media & Culture section
Defence section
Knowledge and experience:
- recently graduated or soon to graduate with a major in a business or technology related area.
- relevant working experience (for example internship, volunteering, extra curriculum activities, parttime
- broad knowledge and interest, and curious attitude towards new topics.
- excellent knowledge of both Korean and English. Knowledge of the Dutch language is a plus but
not a prerequisite.
- proficiency in standard MS office software and experience with online communication tools.
- knowledgeable in communicating via various Social Networking Service-channels.
The following competences are especially important for a successful performance of this job:
- organisational abilities.
- performing independently.
- working accurately as an integral part of a team.
- out-of-the-box thinking.
- integrity.
The following qualities are important for a successful performance:
- an enthusiastic and proactive attitude to a variety of tasks and workload.
- a positive work attitude, pleasant and cooperative behaviour, team-player.
- excellent social and communication qualities.
- initiative.
- If you are interested in this position, please send your English resume and cover letter to Ms. Yeji
Wang (SEO-HR@minbuza.nl) by 12 February 2025
- For any questions related to this position, please contact Ms. Yeji Wang via the above email address.
- Monthly pay is 2.5 million KRW.
- The position is for a fixed period of four and a half months, 1 March to 15 July 2025.